CSR/DSR Consolidation Ad Hoc Announced

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:09 pm
The following announcement will soon be posted on the SCCA.com news section.

Please give these brave volunteers your full support and input for this difficult task.

The Club Racing Board has announced the formation of a sub-committee to work under the Formula/Sports Racing Advisory Committee (FSRAC) to develop the rules required to combine CSR and DSR for 2014 and beyond. A June 21st news release asked for volunteers to staff this ad hoc group, and a second ad hoc sub-committee to work on the proposed new SportsRacer2 class.
The new members of the CSR/DSR sub-committee are Lawrence Loshak (Chairman), David Locke, Jim Downing, Matt Graham, and Vaughn Scott, all racers with a vast amount of experience and expertise in Sports Racing. The group will begin to work on rules that will combine the two classes without losing cars or drivers from either of the current classes.
The SportsRacer 2 class, which is designed to fill the void between SRF and the new SportsRacer 1 class, will be designed to embrace the Euro-Spec S2000 as the base-line car, with adjustments to include former CSR and DSR cars that are no longer competitive in the current classes. These cars would include the Radicals and older style flat bottom Sports Racers. The current S2000 class will probably become a regional-only class. The sub-committee to work on the SportsRacer 2 class is still being formed.

Jim Wheeler
for the CRB

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